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Hay Fever in Dogs: Recognising, Treating, and Preventing Seasonal Allergies

Hay Fever in Dogs: Recognising, Treating, and Preventing Seasonal Allergies

Apr 11, 2024

As spring begins to envelop the UK, not only do humans begin to suffer from hay fever, but our canine companions can experience similar discomfort. While we often associate hay fever with sneezing and sniffling in humans, dogs too can show symptoms of seasonal allergies. At Superpet, we're here to guide you through understanding hay fever in dogs, recognising the symptoms, and providing effective preventative measures and treatments.

Recognising Hay fever in Dogs

Dogs react differently to hay fever compared to humans. While they might occasionally sneeze, their symptoms typically manifest through their skin. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Itchy, Red Skin: Dogs with hay fever often scratch more than usual, which can lead to redness and irritation.
  • Ear Infections: Allergic reactions can prompt frequent ear infections characterised by waxy discharge, redness, or an unpleasant odour.
  • Watery Eyes: Similar to human reactions, dogs can exhibit runny, watery eyes.
  • Chewing or Licking Paws: One of the most common signs is dogs obsessively licking or chewing their paws.

    Causes of Hay fever in Dogs

    Just like in humans, hay fever in dogs is primarily caused by airborne allergens such as pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. Other environmental allergens like dust mites or mould can also trigger symptoms.

    Preventative Measures

    Taking proactive steps can help minimise the impact of hay fever on your dog:

    • Limit Exposure: On days when the pollen count is high, try to keep your dog indoors, especially during early mornings and late afternoons when pollen levels peak.
    • Clean Your Dog's Paws: After walks, wipe down your dog’s paws and coat with a damp cloth to remove pollen and other allergens. Superpet recommends using wipes available in our store.
    • Regular Baths: Weekly bathing can help relieve itchy skin and remove allergens from your dog's fur. Use gentle, oatmeal-based shampoos from our product range to soothe irritated skin.
    • Improve Indoor Air Quality: Use an air purifier to reduce the presence of airborne allergens in your home.

      Treatment Options

      • Veterinary Antihistamines: If your dog’s symptoms are mild, your vet may recommend antihistamines to control the allergic reaction.
      • Topical Treatments: Medicated shampoos or ointments can help soothe irritated skin and reduce symptoms.
      • Prescription Medications: In severe cases, your vet might prescribe corticosteroids or other stronger medications to manage symptoms.
      • Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy: For chronic cases, consider consulting a veterinary dermatologist who may suggest allergy testing and immunotherapy to desensitise your dog to the allergens.

        Dietary Tips

        • Incorporate Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Adding supplements like fish oil to your dog’s diet can help improve their skin health, which is beneficial for dogs suffering from allergies.


          Hay fever can significantly affect your dog's quality of life if not managed properly. By recognising the signs early and taking preventive measures, you can help your furry friend enjoy the springtime with minimal discomfort. Always consult your veterinarian for guidance tailored to your pet's specific needs and conditions.

          For more advice on managing your pet's seasonal allergies or to find suitable products, visit us at Superpet at Let's make this spring as enjoyable for our pets as it is for us!


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